Centipede Press is a high end short fiction publisher who does a good bit of vintage crime fiction, including such noted authors as Jim Thompson, Fredric Brown and Cornell Woolrich. They publish beautiful illustrated books with informative introductions in low print runs and, yes, higher prices--but if you think the initial prices are high, just wait until they go out of print! Which they do, quickly. I missed Stories to be Whispered, a collection of Cornell Woolrich short crime fiction. when it was issued in 2016 and never have found an affordable copy (for me) to this day.
one of Centipede's Cornell Woolrich reprints |
I am one of those people who believe that Woolrich excelled just as much, if not more, at crime fiction in its shorter forms, so last year I got in touch with Centipede, telling them about my Crimereads essay on Woolrich and explaining that I could do a good, original and updated introduction for the next volume. Things went well and I ended up proposing further that Centipede publish a total of thirteen volumes to collect all of the Woolrich short crime fiction. It really is past time that that be done, I felt. So this is now the plan, I am happy to report. I have selected the stories and titles for the future volumes. It total 201 pieces of short crime, horror and adventure fiction, plus the autobiographical pieces from the fragmentary Blues of a Lifetime. (If I am missing something, let me know by all means.)
There are currently four volumes in the Centipede series--Dark Melody of Madness, which is introduced by my friend Bill Pronzini, for over half a century (he started young) one of the keenest analysts of hard-boiled and noir crime fiction out there--Speak to Me of Death, which I reviewed at the blog over a decade ago, Stories to be Whispered and Walls That Hear You, which I reviewed in 2021. The new volume that I am introducing, Silent as the Grave, should be ready for Christmas and I think it would be lovely to start a tradition of having a Cornell for Christmas! Surely nothing says Christmas--Black Christmas--like Cornell Woolrich.
What follows below is a list of all thirteen volumes in the series, followed by their projected contents. The idea of doing another eight volumes of Cornell Woolrich short crime fiction is appealing, but at the rate these things go, it would take another fifteen years or so at best to get them out, so will see.
Some might say having thirteen volumes is bad luck, but it seems appropriate for Cornell. By the way, I have no intention of doing all the intros, because I think it is good to have some variety of perspective with these things. I already have other people in mind. (I do want to introduce Vol. 6, One Drop of Blood, however, because I want to make a defence there of Woolrich as a writer of detection.) But we'll have to see what the years bring, this year has been, to be honest, a most unhappy one personally for me, with the deaths of Rupert and my father.
Cornell would know about loss. I think it's time we showed the man some genuine sympathy, while allowing for his flaws, rather than mock him for his weaknesses and vilify him for things he may not even have done. Certainly some of his problems were self-made or self-exacerbated, but that does not make him any less deserving of empathy. Some of the writing about woolrich reminds me of those old Charles Atlas ads in comic books depicting the bully kicking sand in the 98-pound weakling's face. Give his physical and mental maladies, we should be celebrating Woolrich for all he accomplished.
And now let's look at the "black series":
Dark Melody of Madness
Speak to Me of Death
Stories to Be Whispered
Walls That Hear You
Silent as the Grave
One Drop of Blood
Through a Dead Man’s Eye
The Light in the Window
Too Nice a Day to Die
My Lips Destroy
Three Kills for One
Right in the Middle of New York
Of Time and Murder
I: Dark Melody of Madness (5)
Graves for the Living 1937 DM
Jane Brown’s Body AAF 1938
Dark Melody of Madness aka Papa Benjamin
DM 1935
I’m Dangerous Tonight AAF 1937
Mannequin 1966 SMM
II: Speak to Me of Death (15)
It Had to be Murder/Rear Window
Three O’Clock
The Night Reveals
Dead on Her Feet
Murder in Wax (expanded as The
Black Angel)
Speak to Me of Death (expanded as
Night Has a Thousand Eyes)
The Corpse and the Kid
The Living Lie Down with the Dead
I Won’t Take a Minute aka Finger of
The Corpse Next Door
Wardrobe Trunk aka Dilemma of the
Dead Lady
The Death of Me
Dusk to Dawn
III: Stories to be Whispered (13)
After-Dinner Story
An Apple a Day
Detective William Brown
Endicott’s Girl
The Heavy Sugar
The Case of the Killer-Diller
The Hummingbird Comes Home
All at Once, No Alice
Don’t Wait up for Me Tonight aka
Goodbye, New York
Guillotine aka Men Must Die
Murder, Obliquely 1958 Violence
revision of Death Escapes the Eye
Story to be Whispered
IV: Walls That Hear You (17)
Death Sits on the Dentist’s Chair
Walls That Hear You
Kiss of the Cobra
Hot Water
Change of Murder
Johnny on the Spot
Double Feature
One and a Half Murders
Mind over Murder
The Book That Squealed aka Library
Meet Me by the Mannequin
The Penny-a-Worder
Murder at Mother’s Knee
The Body in Grant’s Tomb
When Love Turns aka Je t’aime
Life Is Weird Sometimes
V: Silent as the Grave (18/17)
God Felt the Depression BOAL
Dime a Dance aka The Dancing
Detective 1938 BM
Two Fellows in a Furnished Room aka
He Looked Like Murder 1941 DFW
You’ll Never See Me Again 1939
Murder at the Automat 1937 DD
Bequest 1942 DT
Collared 1939 BM
Fountain Pen aka Dipped in Blood
1945 SASDS
IOU 1938 DoD
Silent as the Grave 1945 MBM
One Last Night 1940 SASDS
I’ll Take You Home, Kathleen 1956
Nightmare expansion of above
You Take Ballistics 1938 DoD
The Red Tide (alt. version Last
Night) 1940 SASDS
If the Dead Could Talk 1943 BM
The Room with Something Wrong aka
Mystery in Room 1938 DFW
Wake up with Death 1937 DFW not reprinted
Crazy House 1941 DD
VI: One Drop of Blood (20/19)
Portable NC69411 BOAL
Murder Story 1937 DFW
C-Jag aka Cocaine 1940 BM
Fire Escape aka The Boy Cried
Murder 1947 MBM
You Pays Your Nickel slightly rev.
as The Phantom of the Subway 1936 Argosy
Death in the Air 1936 DFW
The Showboat Murders 1935 DFW
The Screaming Laugh 1938 CDM
Mamie ‘n Me 1938 AAF
Hot Towel 1938 DoD
The Case of the Maladroit
Manicurist 1941 DD
Stuck aka Stuck with Murder 1937 DD
Flat Tire aka Short Order Kill 1938
U, As in Murder 1941 DD
Cool, Calm and Detected 1941 BM
Dormant Account 1942 BM aka Chance
Orphan Ice 1942 DD
Leg Man 1943 DD
Fur Jacket aka What the Well
Dressed Corpse Will Wear 1944 DD
One Drop of Blood 1962 EQMM
VII: Through a Dead Man’s Eye (20)
If I Die Before I Wake 1937 DFW
Through a Dead Man’s Eye 1939 BM
Eyes That Watch You aka The Case of
the Talking Eyes 1939 DD
Death Escapes the Eye 1947 SMM
Bluebeard’s Seventh Wife 1936 DFW
Cinderella and the Mob 1940 Argosy
The Earring aka The Death Stone DFW
1943 DFW
The Man Upstairs 1945 MBM
The Detective’s Dilemma 1940 DFW
Blind Date with Death 1937 DD
The Riddle of the Redeemed Dips
1940 DD
The Death Diary 1943 FDF (formerly
Death in Duplicate aka The Ice Pick
Murders DFW 1940
Death in Round Three 1937 PD
Murder on the Night Boat 1937 BM
Funeral aka Your Own Funeral 1937
Silhouette 1939 DFW
Husband 1949 TBR
Last Night 1943 expansion of The
Red Tide from I Wouldn’t Be in Your Shoes
Somebody on the Phone aka Deadly
Night Call 1937 DFW
VIII: The Light in the Window (16)
The Light in the Window 1946 MBM
Nightmare aka And So to Murder 1941
I Wouldn’t Be in Your Shoes 1938
I’ll Never Play Detective Again
1937 BM
Murder on My Mind 1936 DFW revised
as The Morning after Murder
The Counterfeit Hat aka He Talked
through His Hat 1939 DFW
The Dog with the Wooden Leg SASDS
Red Liberty 1935 DD
The Corpse in the Statue of Liberty
revision of above from Violence 1958
The Cape Triangular 1938 DFW
Nine Lives 1936 DFW not reprinted
Mimic Murder 1937 BM
The Fingernail aka The Customer Is
Always Right 1941 DT
The Lie 1937 DFW
I’m Ashamed 1965 Dark Side of Love
Intent to Kill 1967 SMM
IX: Too Nice a Day to Die (20/18)
Poor Girl BOAL
Preview of Death 1934 DD
Screen-Test revised version of
above 1956 Nightmare
Shooting Going on 1937 BM
Picture Frame 1944 BM
Afternoon of a Phony 1936 DFW not reprinted
Flowers from the Dead 1940 DD
Face Work aka Angel Face 1937 BM
Cab, Mister? 1937 BM
The Death Rose 1943 BDS
Death Between Dances 1948 SMM
Maid Who Played the Races BOAL
Soda Fountain Saga aka Soda
Fountain 1930 Liberty rev. SSMM 1960
Somebody Else’s Life expansion of
teleplay Somebody’s Clothes—Somebody’s Life 1958
The Hopeless Defense of Mrs.
Dellford 1942 DD
That New York Woman 1958 Violence
revision of above
The Poker Player’s Wife 1962 SMM/Dark
Side of Love
The Idol with the Clay Bottom 1965
Knight/Dark Side of Love
For the Rest of Her Life 1968 EQMM
Too Nice a Day to Die 1965 Dark
Side of Love
X: My Lips Destroy (17)
The Death of Me 1935 DFW
The Night I Died 1936 DFW
You Bet Your Life 1937 DFW
Borrowed Crime 1939 BM
Waltz 1935 DoD
One Night in Barcelona 1947 MBM
Crime on St. Catherine Street 1936
Underworld Trail 1936 Argosy
Death in the Yoshiwara 1938 Argosy
Wild Bill Hiccup 1938 Argosy
Senor Flatfoot 1940 Argosy
Damn Clever, These Americans 1937
Gun for a Gringo 1936 Argosy not reprinted
The Moon of Montezuma 1952
Vampire’s Honeymoon 1939 Horror
My Lips Destroy 1959 Beyond the
Night revision of above
Baal’s Daughter 1936 TM not reprinted
XI: Three Kills for One (18/17)
Eisenhower’s Speech BOAL
The Blue Ribbon 1949 TBR
The Black Bargain 1956 Justice
The Number’s Up 1959
Blue is for Bravery 1937 DFW
If the Shoe Fits 1943 DD
The Body Upstairs 1935 DD
The Fatal Footlights aka Death at
the Burlesque 1941 DFW
Charlie Won’t Be Home Tonight 1939
Three Kills for One 1942 BM
The Clean Fight 1965 Dark Side of
Blonde Beauty Slain aka Newspaper
Headline EQMM 1959
Murder after Death 1964 EQMM
Steps…Coming Near aka The Jazz
Record 1964 EQMM
It Only Takes a Minute to Die 1966
Divorce—New York Style 1967 EQMM
New York Blues 1970 EQMM
The Dark Oblivion 2021 EQMM
XII: Right in the Middle of New York (all previously not reprinted) (21)
Right in the Middle of New York aka
Murder in the Middle of New York 1936 DFW
Round Trip to the Cemetery 1937 DFW
The Mystery of the Blue Spot 1936
Blood in Your Eye 1936 DFW
Vision of Murder 1937 DFW
The Gun but Not the Hand 1937 DFW
The Two Deaths of Barney Slabaugh
1936 DFW
Come Witness My Murder 1943 FDF (formerly
The Evil Eye 1936 AHD
Death on Delivery 1943 DD
Taxi Dance Murder 1937 TDA
Never Kick a Dick 1938 DoD
The Woman’s Touch 1938 DoD
I Hereby Bequeath 1938 DoD
Holocaust 1936 Argosy
Black Cargo 1937 Argosy
Oft in the Silly Night 1937 Argosy not reprinted
Public Toothache Number One 1936
Money Talks 1962 EQMM
Crime by the Forelock 1939 BM
Nelli from Zelli’s 1937 BM
XIII: Of Time and Murder (Novelettes That Became Novels) (6 or 8?)
Murder in Wax 1935 (expanded as The
Black Angel)
Speak to Me of Death 1936 (expanded
as Night Has a Thousand Eyes)—both included in Vol. 1, would you want to do them again here?
Those Who Kill 1939 DFW (expanded
as Phantom Lady)
The Street of Jungle Death 1939 SDM
(expanded as Black Alibi)
Of Time and Murder 1941 DFW
(expanded as Deadline at Dawn)
Havana Night 1942 DFW (expanded as
The Black Path of Fear)
Four Bars of Yankee Doodle 1945 MBM
(expanded as Strangler’s Serenade)
They Call Me Patrice 1946 TW
(expanded as I Married a Dead Man)